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European Monarch

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daithebus | 16:58 Fri 28th Jan 2005 | People & Places
1 Answers
Who is the only European Monarch to be buried in United States?(Died Nov 4 1970, and was laid to rest in Illinois)


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King Peter II of Yugoslavia is the only European monarch to be buried in the United States. He became king at the age of 11 in 1934, when his father, Alexander I, was assassinated. His uncle, Prince Paul, ruled Yugoslavia as regent for all of his reign except for the last ten days (after Paul signed an agreement with Hitler and Mussolini in March 1941). After World War II, Tito set up shop in Yugoslavia and Peter was now a king without a country. He died in Denver, Colorado on November 4, 1970 and is buried at the Serbian Church monastery in Libertyville, Illinois...

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European Monarch

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