how long is a goldfish suposed to live for? I thought it was about 5 years tops, but mine has been alive for 12 years! i'm not joking, and it hasn't been swapped. is this normal?!
You obviously just take great care of your fish. I had one fish who lasted three months as its companion ate it. The other fish lived to be nine years old. Most goldfish in the hands of young children last not much over three years. I think it just varies.
When my sons were young we had three goldfish from fairs,& they had grown up & left home before the last fish died (having lived between 10 & 18 years)!.
Goldfish can live for over 20 years (Record was 43yo fish called Tilly, bought at a fair in 1956) and can grow up to 30cm long if given a large enough space in which to live, and is well looked after!