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goodnight all

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daneswalk | 00:21 Wed 23rd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
another night with nothing of intrest so of to bed with my favourite tipple a good glass of grouse


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Had to blink a few times then did say "tipple" there....right?
Question Author
oh yes
T is on the top row......N is on the bottom i allowed to say bottom...........
Don't blame you, Daneswalk. Hope you enjoy that tipple. x
i think you might be in the best place daneswalk
Night -have one of me -its not so bad on here-still decent Taysiders abound !!

What a scorcher today -hope it keeps up until the weekend intil my husband is home -them we can get fired into the barbie and the Stella -since ive done all the hard work in the garden lol (actually its a pleasurei

Catch ya soon hun -Slainthe !!
erm Slainte !!

I could go a nice malt just this minute -an Eradour -that would just be sweet !!
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goodnight all

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