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im only looking at what would have to be done, no impulse plans to sign a rent agreement just yet!
the shop was an off licence till about 3 months ago, there was also a threashers about 5 doors from it, both are now shut, probably due to a large tescos being opened around the corner,
although this all sounds discouraging, the amount that the shop is on for lease and with all other costs the overheads would be reasonably low,
i havent done any market research or anything, and my expectations arent too high for the turnover,
that i could run the place on my own, meaning no wages needed until it was off the ground...
i have a good idea where to get most stock from, and i wouldnt be restricting myself to just beer, ithere are a lot of other products that could be sold..
ive found the building on the councils list and the rates are about �5500 a year, the rent is �7500 so thats 13000 total, paid over 10 months, 1300 a month, plus stock utilities insurance wages, etc etc.. with an approx markup of 20% and without working out tax, id have to cover about 2500 a week in sales, which seems quite high.
doesnt sound like a very good idea with my business experience.