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Do I have a strange sense of humour to find it funny

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boogieboogie | 12:45 Wed 23rd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
about the bold, italics, underling, the no names and especially lol at the duplicate names...


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nonuts, whatever activities I have got up to on here, none is nefarious or malevolent or concealed.

As to how it is done, I think that is probably very clear to many people by now. It is not the knowledge that is the problem, it's the stooping to utilise it.
I found watching bex more embarrassing than funny, they were not joking with her they were laughing at her and not in a funny way.

she needs to go because Im fed up with seeing her baps at every opportunity.

phone jacker is repetative

Humour is different things to different folks. Some people find Benny Hill still funny, I find him abhorant.

Think you're gonna have to deal with the fact boogie, that yeah you find it funny, and quite possibly the folks messing with the site do too- but the majority of us dont.
Oh whiffy you poor little munchkin you and me both know that last night was the first time that Babees hade done that
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You may nonuts, I don't, speak for yourself only please.
Aw poor whiffy are you in de nile shall I throw you a lifebelt then
Bold � hilarious
Italics � side splitting
Underlining �so funny I laugh my head off
Cloning � comedy genius

I think I see where you�re coming from boogie. Or at least where you�ve been.
Suppose its funny to others -its not funny when it happens to yourself.
I have been properly cloned -to the extent that i see a post and think I just wouldnt have said that -but unfortunately pople think I have.Then stupidly vloned -I had a cloner yesterday who used me to prove a point bthat it can still be done then a silly green cloner who was just an ass.I also have someone who posts under another name and for some reason which still bewilders me -allows people to believe its me under an assumed name.

I had a field night last night -wont be doing it again -its like bashing your head off a brick wall dealing with numpties -and people say im mad -well tell ya you would be as well.It may be 'cyber' land but I have good friends who use this site and it pains me when they believe what a cloner has posted -it has ruined a couple of 'friendships' -not obviously with the ones who i know in the real world but its very frustrating.

How would you feel if you chanced upon a thread and theres you spouting off -its damned annoying and when you post no-one knows the real you-aaaarrrggghh !!!

So -ergo -I have a bad rep on here - its a pity that the people who are now catty about me dont know me as thay are probably b!tching about the fake -*sigh*

O BTW -I CAN be a pain in the arse -but I would rather people disliked me for me and not A.N Other !!!
Hi aka pixi, seems perfectly normal to me, to talk to an onion like that. I talk to inanimate objects too. :-)
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I don't think aka pixi is worried about talking to an onion. She just made herself laugh cos she did it. I laugh at myself for talking to objects and when I make silly mistakes. . . like putting the kettle in the fridge.
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Well.... the carton of milk and the white kettle are the same size..... so it was a simple mistake. But I don't mind being menkle. :-)
nah I wasnt worried about it, I talk to everything :)

LOL at the kettle in the fridge, I do that kinda thing often lol

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Do I have a strange sense of humour to find it funny

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