Patience now, her turn will come. There's about half a dozen that I would like to evict all in one go, but then the show wouldn't be much fun that way. Perhaps we could get shot of Darnell (he's very rubbery faced for a young man, isn't he? And his "Don't label me, respect me sweat shirt won't save him either) or Mohammed this week-end, then either Monsoon, Fido (sorry, Rex) or Kat (ha-yah hah!) the next.
Mikey summed Kat up nicely last night mind, discribing his suffering five weeks of all this very loud happy, happy stuff and her malipuative turning on the tears at every opportunity. He put Rover (sorry, Rex) in his place too, after another bout of his whining about wanting out. In case you missed it, he said to him "you keep saying that, Fido. Why don't you just go". The best moment on the show so far. He didn't like it either, nominating Mikey for eviction moments later.
He's a smart guy, Mikey. I hope he wins.