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Renault Advert music

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simplemind | 22:57 Tue 17th Oct 2006 | Adverts
5 Answers
Does Any1 know the title of the song used in the new Renualt ad? Its a french song played while a girl is doin all different things like drumming and campin etc. Cheers for any help!


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Ca Plane Por Moi - Plastic Bertrand (who is Belgian) . Sample / download here =renau
The song title is correct, but it's actually a cover version by The Presidents of the United States of America:
Stand corrected nothingnet , thought it sounded slightly different . Changed now , though not easy to track down ($100 on
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Cheers! Really appreciate it!
The PUSA version is now available for download on the links above

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Renault Advert music

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