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knobster | 16:29 Sun 27th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Want to see a pic off my war wound as drissy said earlier it was really hideous I think I will take the day of work tomorrow and take nurse drissys advise today plenty of liquid anasthetic.

The stards they gave me a tetanus injuection in me asp


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Bathy I fell over onto a sharp metal doorstep and ended up with a huge gash in me leg and I swear I could see me bone
Go on knobby let's see this war wound (how did it happen)
Sorry knobby - didn't see your reply to Bathsheba. Must have hurt !
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Not until I woke up this morning bensmum I woke up and it felt like it was on fire but easing off now with the alcehole
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How many stitches? xxx
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So Knobz, do you have to walk with the aid of crutches? Or does Lippy help you around? Hope the cut is healed quickly.

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