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I've just made a curry

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tiggerblue10 | 17:59 Sun 27th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
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Oooohhhhhhh lovely..... any veggie stuff available ? Drat, I've just remembered, I've made an onion and feta cheese tart for dinner.... don't suppose that will go with curry ?
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That actually sounds quite nice Juggles. I love feta cheese.
I have a chicken which I roasted earlier - I could bring that to go with the curry. Unfortunately I ate all the chocolate cake : D

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You ate all the chocolate cake!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I would love to, is it a hot one?
I can have another one ready in 10 minutes - ah, the miracles of microwave cake making!
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Sadly not Whiffs. I can only stomach the mild stuff. Its a kind of korma with creme fraiche in it and my own spice mix.
LOL Whiffey - I was about to ask the same question (on your behalf of course *ahem*......)

I made an epic noodle stir fry for lunch - 2 whole chillies, spring onions, garlic, ginger, lemon grass, chilli sauce, egg noodles, mushrooms, carrot, courgette, pak choi, chick peas and soy sauce (in sesame oil)... I'm glad I made a large quantity so I can take some into work tomorrow for lunch !
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Your on Bensmum ;-)

I'm gonna ned a lie down after my curry Leg. There is a lot of it.
Sleeping after eating is not good practice Legend.
Can I come to work with you Jugglering? :)
Bensmum - sorry to interrupt folks - I never knew it was possible to make a cake in a microwave... I must put up a Q over in the Food department.
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Bensmum - here's a piccie of the stir fry (I also put in chopped red peppers and chopped celery, forgot about them - the large red bits are NOT chillies hehe)

<img src="" border="0" alt="Veg & Noodle Stirfry">

Tiggs - here's the onion & feta cheese tart - as you can see, a large slice has already been devoured.... oops

<img src="" border="0" alt="Onion & Feta Cheese Tart">

The pastry was made from half wholemeal, half white flour with a couple of tablespoons of cooked mashed potato, some paprika and mustard powder. The filling contains thickly sliced onions, saut�d in butter and olive oil, chunks of feta cheese, 2 free range eggs and a very generous handful of seriously strong cheddar.
I,m drooling, and my Morroccan lamb casserole won,t be ready for an hour. Mind, . Enjoyin this heat a BBQ would be ideal. That's the problem with, planning menues and shopping at the beginning of the week
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They look really tasty Juggles. I'll have to have a go at the feta & onion tart at some point. :0)
i would love a curry but it makes me fart a lot :-[
Juggs, wish I was living next door to you.
Both dishes look yummy but I will have the noodles one, thank you.
I could eat curry day and night :)
I have a friend who makes ace curry, but her rice leaves a lot to be desired ;)

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I've just made a curry

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