A gorgeous but somewhat gullible girl I worked with was chatted up by a sailor in a pub. She recounted the next day who he had just returned from the Falklands, where he was part of the Penguin Patrol - a crack set of sailors who went ashore on the Islands to stand up all the penguins who had fallen onto their backs watching the aircraft, which they had never seen before, flying overhead. As the bird watched and craned its neck, it lost its balance and fell onto its back, there to remain until the kind british sailors o The Penguin Patrol came ashore and helped them all to their feet.
She beileved this until she visited London Zoo one day and advised the keeper at the Penguin House about the Falkland Island penguins, ant hte Penguin Patrol. The keeper wordlessley scuffed the nearest pnguin under the beak so it fell backwards, wherupon it quickly scrambled upright and wandered off.
I would have paid big money for a photo of her expression when she saw that - or to read the keeper's mind when he heard the tale.