I can see a similar situation to the Winter of Discontent of the late 1970's, people are really starting to feel the pinch, the MD of BG last night on C4 news said that the customers need to be more fuel efficient.
Some people in our society need extra help but these people can not always get it I am of course talking about the elderly or the infirmed.
These are the people who will suffer I heard one interview on Newsnight where one elderly lady said it's a simple choice between "Eat and HEAT". In the 21st century this can not be right.
Better just start cutting back.
This is only the first rise theres gonna be another one of 35% next year too.
Its time to start cutting back.
I read that if every house in the uk changed just one lightbulb to a low energy one it would save enough electricity to power the whole of london.
Here in spain they are gonna outlaw old type bulbs and make it law that you can only purchase low energy bulbs.
they expect that alone to make a major difference.
When you think of all the power used now on outside security lights , tvs etc on standby , and all the luxury items people use , its time to cut back anyway.
I plan on wearing more layers, having more sex, eating more cold foods and running around the house.
Sadly, I have a little boy to keep warm as well, so I'll have to have the heating on, if it were just me I'd be quite stingy about it.