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school holidays?

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gina32 | 11:54 Thu 31st Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
what date do the kids go back to school in england please?


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In my area it's Weds 3rd September
2nd sept here in mk
Tee hee gina , have you had enough already ?
3 weeks in here this week and 3 to go .lol
3rd September.

As i live in the school house it has been nice and quiet!!!!
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bigmamma, i dont have school age children, thank goodness, just asking for a friend.
Thursday 4th for Juniors - following Monday for the Seniors - we're (playgroup) back on the Thursday -boo hiss!
You should be able to find school term dates online for each area.

Mine have only been off school for 3 days and driving me mad already!!

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school holidays?

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