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Saturday pm boredom on CB ....

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theonlyone | 17:35 Sat 02nd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
so all the multi name users are on here ..
and the trolls ...not a very nice site if
children log on ..not that anyone cares ..
or do they ???



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I am convinced the owners of AnswerBank are looking for an excuse to close it down.

Some of the posters are helping to achieve that.
They probably should.
Or perhaps just remove the Chatterbank section, that might stop all the rubbish.
I agree with Ethel, there are some right low scum on here.
if they own it they hardly need an excuse, do they? But the only way to block trolls involves round-the-clock monitoring, and I presume there's no money to pay for it.
jon - they do need an excuse.

They have contracts with the advertisers, and it would be very expensive to breach those contracts by closing the site.

Having no option but to close the site would probably reduce the expense.
What expense?

There is no Editor, and SQL Server is 99% self-maintaining.

The expense of breaching contracts with advertisers. They would have to be recompensed for the loss of advertisig they have paid for over a fixed period.

Have you no idea how business works?
noddy are you not supposed to be in your hairdressers car.
Now dont tell me you have voice controlled internet in it.
I run a very successful salon in Purley, so I'm not completely business-unaware.
A grave robbing salon is that
I'm off right now noguts, just had a surprise visitor needed attending to.

Maybe we all need to agree in advance where we will meet up if CB gets closed down.

How about over in "Seasonal"?

Surely nobody else ever uses that section?

Question Author
It's run by students and I think they
are at Sussex Uni ..Wardy would know ..
as he is from that area ....
J J when it happened before we all over spilled into body and soul so no doubt we will all be there again soon
I care.

Whats more I care about the random abuse of other users which goes unchecked in the smalll hours by a small 'party' of (ab)users.

I also on a personal note take exception to said night owls assuming -wrongly -that I would take on another persona and attempt to joing said nonsense -I am asleep and should I not be that would be the best sedative -it should be branded.

There you go Ed -more money making tips without having to do anything -get Smith Glaxo Klein to come on bored (sic) and they would be delighted -money for nothing !

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Saturday pm boredom on CB ....

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