Mind Game. in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Mind Game.

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jakesi | 09:14 Wed 02nd Oct 2002 | How it Works
10 Answers
Please can someone help with this mind game. Betty and lucy were touring the west country on holiday. lucy was particularly fond of old country churchyards,and in one found an extraordinary gravestone.It was that of a child who,according to the inscription, was born on 15 May 1658 and died, aged eight months, on 24 January the same year! is this possible?...................................................Any ideas its doing my head in. Thanks.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Sounds like the year that the calendar changed - Gregorian to Julian (or possibly the other way round).
The great calendar change happend in 1752 and involved only 11 days.


Simplest answer seems to be that the mason carved srong year for death date, or the child was sickly at birth and expected to die soon so parents got stone made leaving off only day/month but child survived until the new year. Alternatively, Dr Who paid them a visit.
Or baby was still born.
Was the original question worded that way ( "...and died, aged 8 months, on 24 January the following year." )? Child could've been born on May 15th AT 1658 ( or 4:58pm ), and died January 24th 1658 ( or 4:58pm ) the following year, hence child would be EXACTLY 8 months old. Just a thought.
It is possilble that it means the child died in the same year as its birth or within a year of its birth i.e. less than twelve months old albeit in a different callander year......maybe
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Up to the change in calendar of 1752 the year for records started on Lady Day (March 25th) rather than January 1.
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The question is on the back of a matchbox so I can't answer any questions about it. I'll have to send off for the answer. Damm you Brymay.
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I believe quickman's answer is correct. I was going to post the exact same thing myself.

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