What kind of market are you looking for, and in what part of the island? There are flea-markets & car-boots if that's what you're after. The UK-style general street-market doesn't really exist in Cyprus now; the traders you'd find there tend to tour the villages selling from vans & trucks. Paphos market is largely tourist rip-off tat, and the fresh produce section outside the old market building is smaller and much more expensive than it used to be a few years back. Limassol has an indoor market selling fruit, veg, meat & preserves that's nearer to the UK style. The municipal market in North Nicosia is excellent, but hardly worth making the trip across the border for in itself, especially if you're based a good way from the capital - even with the motorways it's still a good 2 -2� hours from the Paphos area to Nicosia, and then you've got to park and walk across the border. That's much easier now that Ledra Street is open, though. If you're in a hire car you may well find you can't take it into the North; though it's now technically permissible in law, many hire companies still won't let you do it.