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late night posters

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cazzz1975 | 18:05 Sun 03rd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
how is it that some ABers can post until 3 or 4 am most nights and be on during the day as well? for the married ones do their partners miss them?


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I occasionally -very occasionally venture on -I am married but my husband works away from home so i'm on my own for 10 nights outta 14 -so I used to find it a good place to chat -not now tho -its like the Boston Tea Party sadly.
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oh I can understand dris, when my other half used to work nights I couldnt get to sleep and would be up half the night
and on the 4 nights that he is there you wind him up so much that he knocks you around oh well done and happy divorce to you.
Poor Lippy -thats all I have to say(:
Nice!! ^^^
sorry, rofl- talk about timing- my "nice" was to nutty's comment.

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late night posters

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