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pastafreak | 03:33 Mon 04th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
to say goodnight to everyone..especially Leggy and Icey....nite all xxxx


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feels like a lifetime, feels like five minutes,
so, I really ought to go to bed, how come you are up all night? Do you work??
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7 days a week doing what?
There are one or two others who have bigger reps than you
77 degrees? you should get a ceiling fan, I have one and have no problem sleeping when it is hot
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so you sell fun and adventure to all, work seven days a week, what do you do for fun and adventure? is AB how you unwind from all that fun and adventure??
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explain most copied please
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explain looking like i do please
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They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I see nothing to be gained by copying you
I think you know quite a lot about me---widowed, rich, hampshire, Daily Mail/Express, stuffy and 54, that's a lot for a first "date"! lol :-)
My computer is playing up
well goodnight to you too lol
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