I am about to buy a new ipod photo 40GB- I've currently got an old 10GB ipod which I will give to my son - my question is can we synch 2 diferent ipods on the same computer?
this is not an answer as such. I watched a video regarding Ipods and it seems that the irreplacable batteries only last for 18 months..then you have to bin the machine
well I've had mine for over 2 years and it's still fine! I have found out the answer myself - you have to set up diferent user accounts in windows then you can sync the ipods separately.
If that doesn't totally help you, visit www.ipodlounge.com . It's probably the biggest depsitary of knowlege on le ipod on the web. If you can't find out how to do it from the site, there is a forum where you can ask the same question as here.