Why,when I sign in to broadband just lately the small email window goes blue where it usually goes yellow and I have to enter my password each time? It`s very annoying and would appreciate help to rectify please. TIA
i have virgin ,i put in the first letter of my name and then click just below it and it fills itself in and the password , i have only just found this out so it may not work for you but its worth a try.
Yes, I always used to be able to do that, but now when I insert my initial only my e-mail address is inserted and not my password, and every time I have to type in my password which is what I am trying to get over to AB`s. I want to just be able to sign in without having to add my password every time,. I want it to `remember me`. I want to be able to be like Rtaxrons computer (!st post back above)