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im soooo tired!!!

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naflharrison | 14:21 Wed 06th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
i am so exhausted and am counting down the minutes until my husband gets home so i can go to bed as i have been awake all night due to working night duty and not having anyone to look after kids today,

passed this morning by cleaning the entire house and mad a casserole etc but now iv sat down my body is just giving way on me!


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oh you poor thing? Are the kids old enough to let you have half hour kip without them redecorating whilst you do?
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ha ha no they are five and 2 1/2!! they are very good children tho and understand that mummy is ready to eat dirt!!! ah well roll on five oclock!!!
Have you not got a relative who can help you out for a little time?
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my mother has just arrived but to be honest its more of a hindrence as the kids noise goes up by about 1000 decibels when she is here! like now as they are playing with building blocks and they are being thrown into the box very noisily!!!
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not much point going to sleep now as ill need to go to bed early tonight, working tomorrow night aswell oh and saturday and then tues and it just goes on and on!
Have a word with your mum and tell her you're gonna grab 5 minutes!!

I am sure she won't mind.
Respect, for putting up with them all day - not easy I know, but from a husbands view, let him have 20 -30 minutes when he gets in... please - on his behalf!
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oh hes a good spud and will take over when he gets in while i sort potatoes out for dinner then he will get the kids bathed and settled into bed at 8, he is well trained wither that or he just wants a peaceful life!

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im soooo tired!!!

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