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is there a doctor in the house??

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gonzo00 | 22:18 Sun 10th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
for goodness sake,someone call a doctor...this place is dead! whats happening to cb???


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LOL.... you called ? OK, I'm not a doctor *shrug* but will I do ?
Where would you like the thermometer ?

no doctor...but there is a nurse! a psych one at that - so you are all safe. who needs a jab in the ass?
I have a nurse's uniform...
or a spell in the bouncy room?
Most of the men who live within 2 miles of me :-))
pmsl there Jayne.... Our gonzo is a full blooded male.. so I think you guess the rest...

it always goes downhill when leg isn't about!!!
(jab in the ass)
jayne - always willing to oblige! need darts practice as i am a newbie. the drugs are said to be especially good!
Which drugs ???
Perigra - I must disagree.... this place becomes lovely and pleasant when certain disagreeable nasties are not around. Unfortunately most of the really good folk were driven off the site over the past few months - haven't you noticed ?
well - anything you like. the trolley's at mine...i find that the benzo and antipsychotic mix is fairly effective after 10 minutes!

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is there a doctor in the house??

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