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aka pixi | 19:53 Mon 11th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
stuck your tongue on a battery?


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Cell or Battery?

Q. Who lead the Pedants' Revolt?

A. Which Tyler.

And on that note ... I'm off to meet Thing2 at the pub.
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yep thats what i meant noknowledge, a blooming battery, johnny get over in science you blooming boffin ;)

who's jim branning?

Aw I'm sure it's not too bad Pix, I bet you've stuck your tongue on worse since....;O)
Just got in from part time job.

The 9 volt ones are the best.

Apart from the tingling there seems to be a slight blurring of the eyes.
can you get battery operated banjos doc
have you ever placed some wire wool onto a 9v battery
Question Author
pmsl thats true max, I once tasted lobster bisque.....eurghhhh not painful but not an experience I wouldn't wanna try again lol

cheers doc :) my eyes are already blurred so I will try to remember to put my glasses on when i do it so I get that bit too lol
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when you put your tongue on an alkaline battery your head lights up..
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lol no dusty, but ive seen a couple of brill videos on youtube of it
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what colour boogieboogie?
try it an see, depends on the electrodes in your body. If you are a negative person it will light up blue but if you are a positive person red of course.
boogi what happens if you use a Ni cad or Ni MH
you're head will flash on and off like a disco light
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ooh no, that would give me headache lol
When I used to work for Thorn Lighting there was a woman called Vivian who had the nickname "9 volt Viv"

I thought it was something to do with the job

You can work the rest out for yourselves

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