Name of french film? in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Name of french film?

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plodder1 | 09:11 Fri 11th Feb 2005 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

It's a comedy from the early 90s I think, chap cannot get off his train because it now no longer stops at his station for his work. Conductor agrees to slow the train down just enough so that he jump off and run along the platform to stop him falling flat on his face. Train slows down, he jumps off and runs only to be pulled back on the train by someone thinking he's going to miss the train.

Anyone know the name or if it is available?

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Have'nt heard of a film, but that scenario is an old Joke!
...but what a good gag, and typically French. They make the world's funniest films, but sorry I can't help on this one.
BTW, I would also recommend Les Diner des Cons (The dinner of idiots), if you haven't seen it. Wonderful French comedy.
Les Diner des Cons. I've got it on a shelf! I'll watch it.
Hello Loosehead,'Train don't stop at Camborne no more'.As told by Jethro.

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