Does anyone feel the same as I do regarding all the so called "watchdog" bodies that are set up to protect the consumer from being ripped off. We have OFCOM, OFWAT, I cannot remember the rest, who are supposed to regulate gas electricity,fuel, water prices etc etc etc. And yet we keep being constantly ripped off, and prices constantly escalate. I am sure the executives in these "watchdogs" are on fat pay packets and in my opinion do little to help the rest of us.
Only the other day a spokesman for Northwest water informed all NWW consumers that there was going to be another price hike starting next year. He made light of the fact that consumers will pay approximately another �1 a day increase! This is in my "idiots" estimatation �356 a year.
I honestly believe that these criminals should be taken to court and jailed. Sorry to add that other water companies are going to follow suit with price increases.