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�5 charity?

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tombrandy | 15:42 Wed 13th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Beejay1124 which charity do you wish to nominate?


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choice is yours -tom
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Thanks beejay, The donation will be sent to Macmillan Cancer research, a.s.a.p.
Regards tom.
and well done again
I demand adjudication. A tadpole cannot be the right answer.

The tail doesn't become the head.
It doesn't disappear altogether - the tadpole's eyes and mouth become the frog's eyes and mouth, for example.

It's a swizz! 008/05/tadpole-to-frog.gif
This is almost as big a con as cancer research.
The answer was a queue, wasn't it? Where does a tadpole come from?
Question Author
are you both blind,the answer beejay gave was a QUEUE and he did give the answer before you ethel.
Oh :(

Me, a sore loser?


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�5 charity?

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