Hi Monty - it is at first, but the more you use it the easier it gets, and then gradually you wont have to use it so much. Well worth sticking with it.
I agree with Sanden, the more you use it the less painful it is.
I have a cooling glove with mine that you put in the freezer for about ten minutes, you then place it on the area of skin that you are about to de-fuzz! This helps numb the pain when you first use it.
I'm a recent epilator convert, monty. It's very eye-watering at first, but, as has already been said, it gets a lot easier the more often you use it.
It was fine on my legs straight away and I've just gotten used to doing my underarms with it, but was seriously reluctant to try it on the bikini line... until I, er, slipped with it the other day and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Good luck! :)
I've recently become a convert to epilators after years of shaving. I have bought the Braun Silk Epil no.7681 and would definitely recommend it. It has two speeds, a beginners cap amongst others and also has a shaving head in case you bottle out! I've used mine a few times now and it's not really painful - a bit like a very slight twang with an elastic band! This model was on offer on Boots' website last week at �59.99 instead of �89.99 and is well worth the money. Good luck! :-)
Thanks for all the replies. I think I'll go for the Braun one. I'm a bit of a coward when it comes to things like that but I'm encouraged by your replies so thans a lot!
i would definitely recommend it but as mentioned is a bit painful at first (although i never used the ice pack that came with mine). If you kind run your fingers along your skin as you are doing it it is very much bearable. I does not keep me hair free for long periods or anything, I tend to run over my legs once a week but it is just few fine hairs coming in now nothing really hairy. I use the braun silk epile (not sure of spelling). Mine is about 2 years old, I think there is an even newer one now.
ps..... I have not been brave enough to try on underarms but do use on bikini line. mine had an attachment for using on face which i would not do but I find that better for sensitive area - maybe i will try underarms.