My husband wants a new job, need more money. Are only just scraping by in a teeny house as it is.
What job would you suggest would be good for him?
He's super good at customer service, so good he has been written about in books as an example of expert customer service. He's been in retail management for a few years now, knows tonnes about hifi/av that kind of thing. Any ideas?
Has he ever considered sales? It requires lots of dedication to the product but can be very rewarding too. Also can involve tons of driving. My husband is in this line, started off double-glazing selling and found he was very good at it. Has moved on to DVD players for cars now. The hours were terrible but we coped, the money was fantastic. It used to have a lot of bad press I know but not so now. He could just walk in to any branch, give them a try. A good place to get an excellent grounding, then he can move on.
I agree sales, What about recruitment? I have done it for the last 5 years and earn good money for my age, Basics are between �16-20 + Bonus. If you have the gift of the gab, your do well. Try places like Manpower + Hays Logistics Personnel, Let me know how you get on, Good Luck
what about customer services team leader for a local authority. once you have a years experience you can do the job as a temp and earn at least �20 per hour as a customer services team leader, and the hours/holidays are good to!
We were in a similar situation - too much month at the end of the money, despite both us us having "good careers" with large plcs. We decided (after months of searching) to give network marketing a go. You can start part-time (evenings and weekends) and build up. We now earn more part-time than we used to both slogging our guts our for 60+ hrs for a boss. I'll send you some info - visit