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EngTeach | 00:03 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Can I mount a flat style mailbox to the cross bar of my PVC fence?

My old mailbox was on a post and reached out over the top of my fence. Since I put up a higher front fence across the yard my box is now annoying for postman to reach. I have a picket style PVC fence and want to mount a flat box to the front of fence. The type that would normally hang flush on the house next to front door.



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Can't answer your question EngTeach, but I've always wondered....

does anyone ever break open or make off with those post boxes.....

Can't imagine many in the UK trusting one to stay around for long.....
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Hi rabbity...

I guess people do. Luckily I have not had that happen. Where does your mail go then????
Hi Engteach. Post delivered straight thru the front door via the letterbox for the vast majority here in UK. Some rural dwellers may have postboxes but can't say I've ever seen one.

I'm sure I saw a film once where someone went along in a car decapitating mailboxes. But, obviously it's accepted by most in the US that they are out of bounds....which is nice and as it should be.
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Here's where my thoughts go..... What if someone lit something on fire and put it through mail slot???? I need to move if this is my thought process LOL
Unrelated to the mail, there are occasional arson attacks in the UK whereby people pour petrol thru letterboxes and set fire to it. It's rare, but people have died, most recently a child and, I think, her grandmother.

But like your mail boxes outside, once mail is in our houses it's unlikely to be a target.

However, I saw a tv programme not long ago where thieves get a long wire, thread it thru a letterbox and manage to hook car keys left on the hall table! A far more valuable prize.... and kind of on the inside and the outside lol!
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That's terrible!!!!! If someone wants to steal my bills, they are welcome to them.LOL

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