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Can't be @rsed with all this immaturity but...

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monty0703 | 12:01 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
...can I just state that I am not the Monty that has been discussed recently. Ta.


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Good for you! Neither am I.

Who else is not Monty? Come on, own up.
I am lost with all these 'Monty's'.

Who are you then??
I am spartacus.
Lol at Sally!!! :-)
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No, I'm spartacus!
here here Monty. 4GS Calling me a paedofile and threatening physically is very immature. But I think the mojority of ABers dont want to hear about it now so please stop bringing it up
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Actually, I'm just a simple ABer who finds this site useful for finding out about stuff!
I really WAS Spartacus on Cerescape. And DaveBrent, and JaneAusten, and BasilFawlty, and ElizabethBennet, and Toad, and certain others.
Tell me about it Noknowledge!!!

I am getting so bored and I risk my job coming on here to read about a load of rubbish!!!!

whiffs so whats other names do you use on here hun
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waste of a day off if you ask's all
I don't do aliases babybow.
Not many anyway.
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Noknowledge is spot on. I'm not a usual contributor to the chatterbank but just wanted to say I'm an innocent, virtual bystander!
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and apparently I'm whiffy.
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Funny, I was just thinking about A Touch of Class.

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Can't be @rsed with all this immaturity but...

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