find the appropriate Landlord Registry here,
http://www.landregistry.gov.uk/www/wps/portal/ !ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gfN1MTQ wt381DL0BBTAyNjY0cTE19PQwN3M6B8JB55A2J0G-AAjoR 0-3nk56bqF-SGRpQ7KioCALdDEtQ!/dl2/d1/L2dJQSEvU Ut3QS9ZQnB3LzZfTEY1NDE4RzdVOVVUNTAyMzNBNDRNSTE wRzU!
get their e.mail address and try e.mailing them this...
I would be very grateful if you could help me with a council tax related query.
I have received an invoice for unpaid tax relating to a property in the former ownership of my deceased spouse.
The property address is: xxx (full postal address including postcode).
My deceased spouse�s name is: xxx (full name)
In order to ascertain the period for which my deceased spouse was liable for the payment of council tax and settle the invoice accordingly, I am trying to ascertain, and preferably obtain proof of, the dates the property was registered in their name.
As you hold the ownership records of the property I would be very grateful if you could assist.
If you have any further requirements such as proof of identity of fees then please let me know and I can make the appropriate arrangements.
My contact details are:
Mobile: xxx
Address: xxx
E.mail: xxx
Thank you, in anticipation, for any assistance you can give me.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,