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fao 4GS

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armylad | 20:53 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
please read thisand think about it. All i want is an appology. all leg wants is to not be in fear of his life. do you know how much you upset me when you calledme that? we all know how hard and ex military you are but to make people scared isnt nice. i like most people. i used to really like you untill you started your threats. please you can turn it around the fact that you are hated. please just appologise


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i can think of something else you're in need of and it isnt a bloomin apology!
Please..Please Legoman let this drop....Its oh so tedious !!
Barmylad - stop being a hypocrite.

You say you used to really like 4GS.

That says you are a long term AB user. So what's with the 'greenie' name.

Enough people on here have told you to back off - Chatterbank does not revolve around you.
I'm still waiting for the link I asked about earlier, gravy............can you provide it for me ?

Gravy- 4GS used to like you too, however I think he got a bit sniffy when you decided to post, on here, copies of the posts we'd made on his forum on FB.

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fao 4GS

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