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Lo and behold

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Drisgirl | 17:28 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just for a few peep so dont bother answering lol

I was doing someone elses job for him and I chanced upon this thread -hmm even supposing i dont have an other username -it would be blooming brilliant that I managed to post at the same time as my supposed alter ego stion491957.html

I will be back -normal peeps please ignore its easy peasy xxxx


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Not that im saying anyone else is you, but, it is entirely possible to make a post the same time as your( and again, I don't mean you personally here) alias, providing you can log out and back in again within a minute.
yer sorry it has been done before by the same person. But dont worry I do believe you. x
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Cheers ladies -given that i dont have an alias it would be darned near impossible but hey it was worth a try xx
you do not have to and should not have to prove a thing. x
hi i think really ab only has 4 people on it ..
Well three really sleepy, especially if folk cotton on to the fact im you.
where is fat so ???? is he having a rest from ab for a hour he gets withdrawal symptoms ! :)
oh boo dont tell them all lol hows you ? you enjoying the summers holidays counting down the weeks now till schools go back lol
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Ta 4get -difficult at times -well very TBH x

lol @ BOO and sleepy -BTW sleepy you still in yer kip from last night :)
yes dris .lol ...i have a really sad life i just lay in bed all day and night on my lap top ..on ab lol i can only use my lap top in my bedroom and i sit on my bed ...least im in the same country as my kids .......we all best to ignore the miss fit ....he would start a row in a room on his own ...!! no hope for some lol
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No doubt ^^

Yeah sleepy feel for ya -do ya have a commode or a carer??? Least you have your wits about you unlike some who only have half x
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