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Polymath 462

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safflower | 17:24 Sat 16th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
27a Mint tasting organic alcohol used as a flavouring (7)? m - n - h - l. Is this menthol or menthyl? As usual I need a scientist to the rescue.


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27a Menthol
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Well well Lie - King!! Lovely to hear from you again and thank you. Stay around, I might need you again.
Spell-Dictionary.Com - Universe of Words, Mentol - n. a mint-tasting organic alcohol
Hi safflower - hope you're keeping well? :-)
Question Author
Thank you Aquagility.

I shall spell your name correctly next time Lie - in King. Sorry about that.

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Polymath 462

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