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karmgirl | 00:13 Sun 17th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I can't get off this internet now I've got it. It's going to take over my life ahhhhhh :S


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Join the club!!!

I am normally in bed by now!
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Time goes so quick on here too - I looked at the time about 2 secs ago it was 9 o clock and now its 20 past 11. :S

It's good to see you two friendly names on here still though :) xx

I am going to log off soon though.......hopefully =D
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You know you're taking it too far when you check Google Weather to see if it's raining before you step out.....;O)
Blimey Max, that is taking it a bit far!!
I know. I'm on medication for it now.
I thought I was bad, when arriving at work, instead of logging in, I come straight on here!!
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haha max

noknow are you talking to me about ebay? I do have ebay yes if you meant me which I dont think you did
Now never has a true statment been made better than what max says you check the weather on the computer before you look out the window of your home.
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lol funny, first thing when I get to work is get on here lol

and I stay on here all day

now I've got it at home .......well I don't know what might happen :S

Just managed to tear myself away to cleanse tone and clean ma teeth so I can't be too bad yet can I?!!

I heard on the radio yesterday that LA has the first Internet clinic for people that can't get off the web they say its like a drug but feel they can help people.
I am not sure what the name of it is but perhaps dogpile search engine can find it.

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