Arthritis in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Thunderchild | 21:15 Wed 09th Feb 2005 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

i need to know as much as possible about arthritis and how to cure it i welcome links to information and personal exspiriences.

thank you

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I found the 'Stone Age Diet' fantastic, but it's really difficult to stick to, so couldn't keep it up. Basically, it is don't eat anything that's processed (including bread), so it's just eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, also steamed vegetables, eggs and a little grilled fish and meat. No sauces, no tea (except herbal) or coffee, sugar or milk. Lots of water, little or no alcohol.  It's murder to stick to, but the less toxins you introduce into your body, the more pain-free you will be. Aromatherapy massage also helped..(Arthritis cookbooks in heath food stores). The book I found this in (sorry don't have the name, 'cos I gave it to someone) has before and after photographs (or x-rays) of bones, and deterioration had reversed in those who stuck to the diet. No drugs allowed on this diet.

Best of luck!

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u sure that is - no milk - i thought milk was good for u especially bone problems
type in  brain talk  and search you will come to a page where the first item should read brain talk communities powered by vbulletin  you will then find a site where any illness you can imagine is ..i have just looked for you and their is an artritis section with much advice and other people suffering..its a big site so when you go in their just scroll down until you see an a to z ..and all the illnesses are their..
i am not very good on the computer but i copied the web address and tried it for you and it works so here it is   http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/    you will find what you need at this site you can post a question and experts will help you..
Question Author
tks a lot that should of great help
For all medical questions, we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your doctor or a healthcare professional.  Please do not rely on, or wait for, advice from Answerbank users.
Most health professionals would say that you cant 'cure' arthritis, but you can manage the symptoms, and slow progression. I assume you are talking about osteo-arthritis?

If so, glucosamine has been scientifically proven to help, and although quite an expensive supplement, really helps. My mother has bad arthritis, and has a notable improvement in symptoms whilst taking this medication, although it did take a few months.

My mother also takes daily ibuprofen - although the long term affects of use are not clearly defined, for her syptom management is more important, and she couldnt get by without it.

Finally... my aunt has the same arthritis (the predisposition is hereditory), and she does not take anything. Her hands are now so bad that she struggles to do anything much, suffers a lot of pain, and they look horrific. Always see a doctor, but it is best to start medication etc asap.
I have been reading about the Hay Diet recently.  It is also called food combining and claims to completely cure athritis.  I would definately recommend reading it.  Just go onto Amazon and buy a second hand copy of Food Combining for health.  It is very intersting and not too hard to stick to.  Contrary to belief, it recommends eating lots of acidic fruit like lemons and oranges.  So many people swear by it.  Again, contrary to belief it is a healthy way to eat and not just a faddy diet.
i find arnica gel works wonders,i buy arnica and witch -hazel gel from a horse riding shop a huge tub for a fiver ,its meant to rub on horses legs to reduce swellings and inflamation ,it really works on arthritic knees

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