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A thread you have to read

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armylad | 14:51 Mon 18th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I have just put some was on my hair and I think I havent put enough on so i had to reeopen the tin and put some more on. Why do these things always happen to me?
its so annoying. if you are interested it was vo5 wax.


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I like trees
hi 4get,

any news on the doggy? Is it still hounding the horse?

did you manage to get out to car at lunch?
Pity it wasn't horse dung!!!
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yes you get a more thicker look with horse muck and you dont need to use as much
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Are these threads supposed to be funny? What's the point?
armylad - how could you POSSIBLY be much thicker than you have displayed on here!!!!
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b applying copious amounts of horse dung on my hair.....
attention seeking me thinks, armylad not the dog. yer got out ok, its seems quite thick anyway, the horse really doesnt want to play. I did have to laugh when I came back, the horse is male, and if you though normal male horses were funny you should see this ones thing :-)

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