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squeak squeak pop

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joggerjayne | 19:30 Mon 18th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It's that time of day again.

Glug glug



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*Raises glass*

Cheers jayne, mines a large one
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Not Croydon in the background, surely ?

Cheers 4GS. What are you raising over there?

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(Seems I am more popular than legoland. That will really pi$$ him off. Such a shame)
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I haven't got a boil on my ar$e, how thick are you!
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This is confusing.
Yes but at least it is so far robustly heterosexual.
Jayne I seem to be behind everyone else - only just got in. I have a large chilled glass of plonk as we speak.
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Thanks for my clip, tranmerekid.

Hi Barmaid. You have to drink 2 vodka shots to catch up !!!

Hi Whiffey. Yep, very red blooded. Which is saying something in Brighton !!

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squeak squeak pop

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