Apart from speaking Spanish - do you think life in Britain would be much different , if Sir Francis Drake hadn't taken a time out from his game of bowls , to suggest to those Senors , that it might be in their interest to turn around and head back home ?
But how long would Britain have remained under Spanish control?
The War of the Spanish Succession could then have seen Gran Breta�a ceded to Austria (just as the Spanish territory in the southern Netherlands, which was then annexed by France during the French Revolutionary Wars).
So would the different life actually be in Gro�britannien, or even Grande-Bretagne?
tut, Chris, where's your sense of romance? Yes, the 'Protestant wind' did play a major role.
But an interesting point from kempie: if we'd stayed with Austria long enough, past the first world war and the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire, perhaps we too would have loyally united with Hitler's Germany. And with us on his side, how could he have lost?
Jno - why would Britain have been forced to suffer fifty years of Franco's dictatorship? Even Spain by the longest estimate had only thirty nine (36 - 75), Madrid which capitulated last only thirty six.
On the subject of the bowls, he knew he had time to finish his game because he knew that he couldn't get his ships out of harbour until the tide turned - no engines you see.