Tallulah, thanks again for your gallop to the rescue!!
I have the initials; P N,( very good friend of C C and R V) for Q.125 but no one has reacted to my posting on her queenly portrayal so I don't know whether to lurk ,hoping for some clarification or press on with the other "teasers"!!
claude rains is the actor in 126.thats a fact. i'm also guessing at a couple- notably dog 98& q. 20. but you might as well pay .it's �7 for the answers anyway.you must want them for all that hard work.
Tallulah, thanks for the help, I have identified P N.(very good friend of R V and CC)in 125 Although my posting of her Queenly portrayal of Queen D has met with a deafening silence.If you are meaning 126, I'm of the opinion that it is V L. opposite C L. She playing C ! or so the backdrop suggests.
Thanks everyone but Ibeing dropped on head at birth I still haven't a clue who Q125 is. I thought it was Pola but haven't found any Queen to fit. Do you mean Aeneas's chum nono.
Q 126 is aspish.
Javert and dimple you've gone quiet!