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Ethel is having a giggle.

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puss_boots | 22:08 Tue 19th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Ethel seems to be one of the most polite and also one of the most informed people on here (ie Answerbank) she must be having a bit of a laugh when she ventures into Chatterbank. Do you think she is amused by legend because she can certainly stand her corner.?


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Thanks Mrs.chappie.
Hey Tigger, any chance you could post a link to the "ecky peck" thread?

Question Author
Ethel for Prime Minister.
I'll see if I can find it Mrs C.
Thanks lass.
I can't seem to check my threads that I'm involved in and I can't remember which category it was in. Sorry Mrs C.
Okay Tigger, no probs.

Stupid Timout error thing keeps coming up!
Ah still no reply from Peeler then.

This is what youre lookin for Tiggs. stion607720.html
Don't let anyone get to you.
Just ignore!
Have a great day tomorrow.
Thanks for that link, weeal.
Thanks Cruella, I just didnt understand it, its baffling me.
Don't even try weeal.
Totally uncalled for.
Baffle is good, but I wouldn't let it baffle you for too long.
Water off a ducks back an'all.

I haven't seen karmgirl yet, I do hope she hasn't gone to 4th base on her 1st date.

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Ethel is having a giggle.

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