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4GS | 20:34 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
1) What irritates you about the opposite sex?

2) What perfume/aftershave turns you off?

3) Your pet hate? (see where I'm going with this)?

4) Books you actively avoid?

5) What would you consider a good day ruined?


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Thanks 4GS

You wanna see "twinkle" ??

LOL 4GS, both!
I kind of agree with Jayne actually - but here's my take on things.

1) What irritates you about the opposite sex? Being woken up by being poked in the back (you know what I mean), I can feel my blood pressure rising and actually want to pull it off (literally).

2) What perfume/aftershave turns you off? Lynx - I once saw a bloke who didn't wash but just plastered himself in that stuff - still can't bear the smell of it.

3) Your pet hate? (see where I'm going with this)? People saying they will do something and they don't. Plus 1 and 2 above.

4) Books you actively avoid? Anything slushingly romantic. Anything by Barbara Taylor Bradford or Cartland.

5) What would you consider a good day ruined? If 1 2 or 3 occur. Other than that, I would just do my own thing and sod em.
Sorry, I was thinking of "glisten"
Oooooh, barmaid ...

... a guy who "pokes you in the back" hard enough to wake you can't be "irritating"? Surely?

Hey hellie

With you on numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5. (But that makes 9 things I hate. Is that allowed?) :-)
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Excellent answers Barmaid

Guys I'm logging off. Award yourself three stars for each answer.

I like to be brought round slowly and gently Jayne with a bit of tlc (not a "morning" person). One particular FB has a habit of doing the "poke her in the small of the back thing to let her know I am awake and up for it", drives me mental. Last time I woke up before he did and made sure I was on my back. Dunno why, but that drives me absolutely mad. I just want to grab it in my hand and YANK!!!!
Mustve been told by said wifey to get off.John i thought you were on your second?You really outta keep it in your pants , especially whilst loooking at piccys of answerbankers on your hard drive .

Enjoy : 0)
why? are you jealous, all the ladies love 4GS and not you. lol. Dont let it get to you. x

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