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leg758end | 10:31 Thu 21st Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
The type of user who follows others about trying to dig at them because theyre far more interesting than you and you feel insecure and just a little left out because youre a looser ?


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Is this how today is going to be? The 'leg and Messiah slag off show'?

I think I'll go dig my eyes out with a rusty spoon.
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But are you insecure ?
And why did you name yourself after patrick swayzes character in a movie , when he was going thru his chunky stage ?''
Insecure? No... unlike some... who feel the need to retaliate to meaningless threads with meaningless threads of their own...

And my user name is the track title of the song by Led Zep.
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Oh dear a stoner .
Shoulda know .

Skinup man its cool.

Dont get stressed eh : 0)
You 'know' your reply is weak lol ;o))
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You know my reply is true .

Toke on man . :0)
Great track black-dog -

''Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move,
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove''

Stoner music leg? Don't think so mate!

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are you 5

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