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Andy- Hughes

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China Doll | 18:10 Mon 18th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Hello Andy,

Would you mind awfully if I picked your musical brain?

Sorry to ask here but I think I may have deleted your email address by accident so was wonderng if I could be cheeky and ask you to post it again?



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I prefer to read between the lines ;D
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Between the line reading is always recommended in my experience! :c)

I think he's vanished just as I've seen his name in the recent posts and remembered I wanted to get in touch with him... If anyone else spots him can they please direct him to this post?

I think I've invented a new game... Hunt the Andy!
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Tut... Sooooo childish! ;0P
Sycophants queue here please.
yes you wont find me stirring about AB folk
Secret Lovers- Atlantic starr
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Whiffey... If I want to know about salt and vinegar peanutes or the best cycling paths in croyden you'll always be first on my list.
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No Cazz!!!!
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Chat away... The more times this pops up in recent posts the better the chance that I can pin the fella down... ooooer Mrs eh.
yes we know what you meant china.....;o
Someone else will have it....
Sorry to break the news to you like that, China, but Mr Hughes has had a few conquests on here over the years....I bet he hasn't told you about all the other ones hey!!! :O(

*max tries to suppress an imminent flood of tears*
China, I have sent it to you.

See? Told ya! ^^^^^^^^ lol

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Andy- Hughes

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