Question Author
Glad you had a laugh peeps !
Just got to bed and got a call from my daughter -she had been asleep and her cat had dug his claw into her eye -she was waiting on an ambulance -we got through to PRI -she has a nasty looking eye -gonna be a beauty -it took her 5 mins to get the claw out cos he panicked and so did she.
Its scratched and she has to attend the eye clinic tomorow -(today) but has antiibiotics but you want to see the bruise already -poor wee soul -never rains but it pours -just in time for the Venga Boys on Saturday as well (:
Just glad she can see cos she couldnt when she phoned me- and the ambulance but she got drops and things -think its semi-frozen actually.
So another night maybe lol !!
Maybe one day i can have a nights sleep without any worries :)