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Wow it's quiet on here......

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roosi | 14:35 Fri 22nd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
What's everyone up to at the weekend then?

Me: having a nice and relaxing one, me my fella nad my cat.....Maybe some retail therapy with my mum tomorrow...




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working probably
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I have bought a new shower curtain so that will take up much of the bank holiday
Well I will be taking it nice and easy!!

I'm working Saturday and Monday, on the pi$$ all day Sunday (Matthew Street Festival)
Fear not Roosi, I'm here now! Lol (just kidding - I'm as boring as the next person) ;-)

I'm off to Leigh on Sea tomorrow for an overnight stay. I'll be using the BH to get over my trip! Lol
well i shall be taking the kids to see Thomas the Tank Engine on one day and car shopping on the other days.

Oh and watching a band playing in town centre tomorrow night if weather is good and kids arent too tired.
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Great to hear what u's are up to,

Have a good one whatever your up to and enjoy this lovely (NOT) british weather :-(

Scotland is pants

Just glad it's Friday wooooooop woooooooooooop!!!!
You have a good one too Roosi xxx :0)
Hopefully I'll be playing golf with er indoors in a not raining environment for a change........and Pigs might fly
oooh I am jealous braveheated, I would love to play golf
Lots of bike riding! We're off on our hols on Sunday to Scarborough to stay in a friends mobile home (free!!) and this year we are taking the bikes so as thats mainly free (notice the theme here? lol) to do we plan on doing lots of it, come rain or shine!


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Wow it's quiet on here......

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