I have an existing hotmail account and was reqested to download the latest version to gain access. I did this and the setup never appeared. And, as such, my access is now denied. Does anyone know how I can sort this problem out?
You`ve been had, Hotmail is accessed via a web page,it is not a programme on your PC and cannot therefore be updated as such.
You appear to have downloaded a malicious piece of software which has achieved its objective of denying you access to Hotmail.
I would suggest you download Microsofts Antispyware Beta, Lavasofts Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy all of which are free downloads from http://www.download.com/
Run these and hope they get rid of your Problem
If you had to enter your login details to "upgrade", it is also likely that your address is now being used for some dodgy stuff. Get yourself a new free email address, log onto the old one and forward any important stuff to the new one, then delete everything from the old one and never go there again.