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some advice please........

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firewatch | 21:41 Sun 24th Aug 2008 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
Hi guys just been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis,finally. Its taken many months to get this diagnosis, the only thing i have two questions.
One is the fact that i have been proscribed naproxin to treat the inflammation, but i was wondering can i take other painkillers, like aspirin/paracetamol to ease the interim pain?
And can i use a tens machine to also ease the pain when i get so tired the anti inflammatory's just don't work?
thank in advancexx
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yes, you can use paracetamol at the same time as naproxen (up to 4 grams (or 8 tablets) of paracetamol a day - i would be wary about aspirin, because they work in a similar way to naproxen and will probably increase your risk of tummy troubles. Always take naproxen with food. it would also be perfectly sensible to use a t..e.n.s. machine at the same time.
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis
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Thanx bedknobs, apparently i have suffered with it for years but only after the inflammation spread to my ribs and i got to see a doctor who had a clue, he joined the dots and gave me the diagnosis.
Im just glad that after all my years of pain i have a diagnosis!
Oh you poor thing!

Have you thought about osteopathy and forms of massage?

My osteopath's brother has it and he has helped him a lot with osteopathy and said his brother has been going for regular massages which has also helped.
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No i haven't yet,still only just been diagnosed so the problems with the inflammation is the thing im trying to sort at the moment, because all the pain is in my chest and lower back. The lower spine is painful, particularly when i have been sat for a while, normally at work, but i can cope with it. the chest pains can feel like all the muscles have clamped up and boy is it painful to breath!
When the n ext flare up occurs i will go back to the doctors and see about getting some osteopathy done.
You may well find that there is an A.S group in your local area that runs exercise sessions for A.S. patients. At our local hospital, these involves hydrotherapy sessions and exercises in the gym. These groups are supervised by physiotherapists, and are held once a week.

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some advice please........

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