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wife swap

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crisgal | 23:46 Mon 25th Aug 2008 | TV
4 Answers
on wife swap this week (it was repeated on friday i think) there was a dark haired lady from liverpool area. I'm sure she's been on another wife swap ages ago. She does look a bit different, but admits to have had lots of plastic surgery.
It was her irritating voice that was familiar, as well as her house - full of those horrible lifelike dolls in cabinets (and her 8 kids!)
Anyone remember her?


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Hi crisgal

Ronnie and her brood were on a daytime TV prog called 'Family Showdown' where the whole family swapped houses with another family for a week / fortnight ( not exactly sure how long). If I remember rightly they swapped with a family from Devon who had a beautiful barn conversion for a house but it was absolutely filthy.

The bit I remember most clearly was the kitchen in the barn conv. It had some sort of dried flowers, hops I think, all over the beams which were covered in cobwebs and dust. Ronnie had them taken down and had professional cleaners come in to gut the place, they were not happy!

I wouldn't be surprised if we see her on Big Brother next lol.

Hope this helped.
;-) twaflooers
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ooh, yeah!
That's it!
I remember now. She put fairy lights up in the kitchen didn't she? They had a budget to spend on each other's houses.

I vaguely remember them meeting at some hotel and there being a row. I think someone walked out.
Thanks for that twaflooers - it's all come flooding back! x
I was also wondering where I`d seen her before.
Well done Twaflooers, that has been bugging me all weekend/!!!!!

I knew I had seen her before.

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