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4GS you have sunk low

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resurrection | 15:48 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
posting my girlfriends name. you lowlife idiot. small handed tw@t.
All I know is that you are a small little bitter man with very small hands


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erm so you can post his name and your mate leggie can post his wifes. Mmmmm where did he post your girlfriends?
last week 4get, when they were talking about the screenshots, it was mentioned by a few that the screenshot had an email to his girlfriend on there too or something.
Not me old man, not me, look a wee bit closer to home son, (like in the mirror). Your ex girlfriend has done nothing to me so I've nothing against her, I only pick on the w@nkers and t0sspots on this site gravitate, not innocent girls.
oh right so they have both now mentioned his wife so evens now I think. Funny how they said they would leave well alone once original was banned and now this, they are pretending to be him to argue with themselves again. What a bunch of kids.
oh yer redcrx those posts of e-mails wernt even posted by 4gs they were graviate and mates e-mails to prove their point.
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like that is beleivable you small handed little tw@t
well if you wernt so vile and rude maybe some would believe you gravy
it is believable (note correct spelling of believable). She IS your ex
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red and 4get you stupid decrepid old women I am grasvitate and only me. the rest is little handed 4GS and he is venting his anger at me because the ed banned him for Threaterning people and causing arguments. old idiots
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lol you stupid numpty is that why I still live with her.
you little handed pr1ck.
Go trap your little penis in a door and run backwards is may grow a bit you small palmed insignificant tw@t
gravy, you have an ID for every day of the month.

You heard of the little boy who cried wolf didnt you?
red and 4get you stupid decrepid old women

Isn't abuse a reportable offence under the AB Site Rules? You could get banned for that garvitate (note correct spelling of gravitate)
no .4GS is the real 4GS and only him. even if you arent any of the others how can you say 'I am graviate and only me' when posting under resurrection. and all the other names that kepp getting banned. The ED banned all of you so you really should stay banned and change your ways. You have broke Site Rules naming people, being aggressive, calling people names etc, now please grow up and act your age. My 3 yr old nephew acts more grown up than you.
Gravy, I sent you a message on FB today, have you read it yet? It's very rude not to reply
gravitate, you have some serious issues pal. how old are you anyway? 12 or is it nearly your birthday? soon to be a teenager. yo have the attitude of one! dont worry, you will be reaching puberty real soon.
I guess I;d rather be old and decrepid and acting my age than in my late 20s and acting like a 3rd old
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sorry 4GS I cant log into facebook at work. I will reply tonight.
I cant wait to read it

and abusive language again, Site Rules, read them.
lol 4get- why do you get involved? Leave em all to it, they're all puddled!
oi get lost fatty :-)

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4GS you have sunk low

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