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chicho,bird2 | 23:52 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
my own thread

but got a problem
but a big hello to skyep
and all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

away to bed now xxxxxxx


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night chico xxx
Nite hun...sleep well xxxxxx
Question Author
night sweet peas

and all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

thanks to you all hunnie,ssssssssssssssssss

switching off now xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Night MONTY , try to get some rest hun xxxx
think she best go bigmamma
she needs rest lol

hows you fun girl?

did you hear my chopper whizzing past your ears earlier?


Oh - hi Monts, when you come back on again!

I'd be PLEASED to try and answer my own thread! Lol - computer ready to pop off, but it should be OK again by the weekend. Thank goodness.

Night! x
Lol yes I did hear it zig , hello again .:-) xxxxx
Hi Icey , I hope you can get a reliable lappy or comp soon honey xxxxxx
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Hello bez sweetie , how lovely to see you , I 'm not often on here at night so thought I would say hello before I head off to bed :-) xxxxx
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I'm well thank you hun , just back from 2 weeks hols down in Cornwall so just getting over the journey back . It was a lovely time I had with my dear big sis . :-)
hi Bez how are you tonight? x

ice should stop messing with her buttons and the computer might run a lot quicker lol
I'm just hoping this reply comes up to Bigmamma and Bez.

First - have you em'd then Bez? Very difficult for me to access my mail at the moment. Spent 3.5 hours this afternoon, following instructions on how to sort out what i wanted to keep, and put into the memory stick thingy. Resizing windows, exporting folders...OMG! Never again! The whole machine's just being wiped on Friday, so I should..say it back properly by Friday night or Saturday. Bigmamma - get a NEW one hun? I should be so lucky! : ( xxxx
blimey bigmamma
have you got a sis bigger than you? lol

can't wait to meet her lmao ;-)

hope you both enjoyed you holiday x
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I know Icey hun , not a new one but a reliable one , hopefully that one will run better for you when you get it back .
Lol zig , yes my sis is my big sis , I'm actually the second youngest out of 6

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